Remember those book reports from school? This is similar with a multidimensional twist of course. I'd like to review each book and try to place it in context of other spiritual ideas. Often it requires several books to really understand even a small piece of the metaphysical puzzle.
Are there books I missed? Some books I should prioritize? Let me know in the comments!
The Little Prince
Narcissus and Goldmund
Care of the Soul - Thomas Moore
Hero's Journey - Joseph Campbell
aromatherapy: the complete guide.
Crystal Personalities
ET 101
Intuition: Knowing Beyond Logic - Osho
Dark Night of the Soul
Ask and it is Given
The Untethered Soul
Bringers of the Dawn
The Game of Life for Women
The Complete Writings of Florence Scovill Shinn
Secrets of the Hidden Realms
Creating Mandalas
Light is the New Black
Radical Acceptance
Translucent Revolution
Reiki Bible
Oxford Study Bible
Rainbow Bridge II
Shaking Medicine
Tarot in Ten Minutes
Life Paint and Passion
The Prophet
Art & Fear
Essential Rumi
Confessions of an economic Hit Man
The Mind Illuminated
Wake Up to Your Life
Bonaventure: The Soul's Journey Into God
Tapping Into Wealth
Gnostic Secrets of the Naassenes
The Creative Life - Julia Cameron
Awakening the Sacred Body
Many Lives, Many Masters
Healing the Child Within